Meet the artist
Who is KC Carter?
KC Carter, a 24-year-old abstract painter living in Southern Utah, got her start in the arts at a young age. As a kid, she would paint on her toddler-style easel set as her parents worked together owning a small business. This early passion led to her joining the school art club in the sixth grade and working hard to develop her skills as an artist throughout her young education. Attending Tuacahn High School for the Arts is where she gained experience and opportunities in the community and worked on developing her personal artistic style. She found a passion for designing abstract compositions using acrylic paint and collage, as well as other artistic passions like fashion and graphic design.

ARTist statement
A Statement about KC’s Artistic Practice
“The driving force that moves me to create my art is simply the desire to paint and play with material exploration. This may stem from my love of bright color, as yellow is most always an important player in my art, and pink is of secondary importance. I play with figure/ground relationships, skewing perception so that viewers have to work to decode the layers of a piece and the color associations. As an artist, I do not make my work with specific meaning in place. A piece may gain context through my use of text as a visual tool, and although I merely use words as shape to serve the composition, I recognize that because text has cultural meaning, context is inevitable through the use of language as a visual signifier. The relationship between globulous paint and the sharp and refined lines of text is fascinating to me, as is the juxtaposition between thick, generous paint and the two dimensional aspects of collage.“
Emphasis on Bright Color
As a non-verbal form of communication, KC tends to use bright colors to share her personality through her paintings.
Text Use
KC uses text fragments to add shape and meaning to her otherwise abstract designs. Through this use of text, she puts emphasis on her opinions and other major life points.

Career focus
A Glimpse into the Future
KC Carter has now graduated from Westminster University with a BA in Communication. She spent her time here working to build a foundation of knowledge in writing, design, and communication skills to apply to her passion for art. As a young creative, she has found herself drawn to the idea of using her education in communication to start and run her own business. These dreams are still just ideas in the sketchbook for now, but she is working towards making them a full reality.
In her online store, KC Carter Art, she is currently selling original paintings, prints, and other graphic designs. This business enterprise is just the beginning of her plans to launch her career as a professional artist creating for & inspiring as many people as possible.
Get in contact
Follow KC’s Journey
KC Carter posts her works in progress, along with new launches and projects on all of her social media pages. To follow her journey as an artist, you can find her on Tik Tok, Instagram and Twitter
To get in contact, you can shoot her a DM on any of the above platforms, or reach out via
Tik Tok
On Tik Tok, you can finds video posts of KC’s current works in progress, along with opinion videos pertaining to the art world.
On her Instagram feed, KC typically posts shots of her finished works. These pieces can range from personal doodles, completed commissions, or new artworks for sale.
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